
Why quality game design matters

I believe games are critically important to the growth and development of all humankind.

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As a child, I was raised in a rigid and restrictive household where imagination and self-expression were not fostered. As a born creative, I sought refuge in the freedom of storytelling. Whether it was through my Star Wars action figures or elaborate LEGO battles, I crafted and recited tales to my childhood self. My imagination was my safe haven. As I reached adolescence, my obsession for worlds that I could create found a new medium in video games. Virtual worlds, universes away, allowed me to escape the constraints of reality and explore uncharted territories. These moments inspired me. I never felt freer than when I had a world undiscovered at my fingertips.

Despite the opposition of my parents, both of whom went to medical school, I chose to pursue a career in the creative arts, with the hope of finding a long-term outlet for my artistic inclinations. My education in graphic design proved to be a success, but I struggled to reconcile my innate sociability with the solitary nature of the profession. As a result, I turned to entrepreneurship, where I founded and nurtured over five companies. However, it wasn't until I joined the founding team of a gaming company that I truly discovered my passion.

I received a call one day from an entrepreneur I hardly knew. He told me he planned to start a gaming company, and that he needed a creative personality on the founding team. I couldn't resist the opportunity to try my hand at game development. Little did I know, this decision would lead to the convergence of my favorite creative outlets: storytelling, design, and leadership. This convergence ignited a fiery passion within me as I found my true calling in game design.

It was then that I discovered what video games had gifted me with. The precious inspiration to create. The potential in a game is boundless, where one can assume the role of a hero or villain, traversing the world as they see fit and expressing themselves without limitations. It is this boundless environment that inspires creativity and collaboration. When engrossed in a game, nothing else matters, and all troubles fade away, leaving only the game and oneself. It is truly a unifying experience.

This is why I am so fervently passionate about creating great games. I firmly believe that the gaming experience is vital in stimulating the imagination. Furthermore, from personal experience, I know that imagination is the key to self-discovery and the catalyst for achieving one's highest potential. I aspire to use my passion for game design to make a meaningful impact on the world and to craft games that empower and inspire others.

/Let's talk/

Let's create experiences worth having.